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The Workshop - Waxing Lesson
Waxing Lesson
FNS cooperate with Hong Kong Ski Federation to organize the new workshop for the waxing lesson of Alpine Skis & Snowboard
FNS cooperate with Hong Kong Ski Federation to organize the new workshop for the waxing lesson of Alpine Skis & Snowboard. In light of many customers’ inquiries about the the knowhow on the imortance of waxing progress, making an error during the progress result as ineffective. This lesson will give you an answer from the point of view under its technical characteristics of snow with detailed explanations to solve your query. The workshop will also provide hands on skill practice session (participant can bring your personal gear ) to allow attendee to try to work on it practically to be able to have a deep understanding of the progress.
For more information and registration, please click : www.hksf.org download the form “ F0910 waxing lesson” and the "Application form of waxing lesson"

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